iRead: getting your book in the hands of readers
Our team has over over twenty years experience in the book marketing field. Our professionalism, experience and enthusiasm are our trademark.
Books We've Toured
in 2025 |
At iRead, we give special attention to every book that tours with us. We are passionate about books and we customize all our tours because no two authors are alike.
We don't just market books. We help our authors get the best exposure with traditional tours consisting mainly of reviews. We work closely with our authors and pride ourselves on our highly individualized customer service. All our staff are book bloggers and authors, so we understand the process and the hard work involved. We've built a solid relationship with our database of reliable book bloggers who are eager to read your books. Welcome to the iRead experience! |
There are a variety of tour companies out there. Which is the right one for your book? Which is the right one for you? Our short video will clarify what we do and what we are known for. There's no doubt that virtual blog tours should be a piece of your marketing pie. However, you need to be informed and confident in the marketing strategies you apply because that is part of how you succeed in book publicity. |
Why iRead Book Tours
At iRead, we understand the need to get readers talking about your book, writing reviews, and spotlighting you or your brand, especially if you write non-fiction.
Customer service is important to us. |
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