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Join us for this tour from May 25 to June 5, 2020!
Series Details:
Book Title: The F.I.G. Mysteries by Barbara Casey Category: YA Fiction (Ages 13-17) Genre: Mystery, Fantasy Publisher: Gauthier Publications (Hungry Goat Press) Release dates: The Cadence of Gypsies (2011); The Wish Rider (2016); The Clock Flower (2018); The Nightjar's Promise (2020) Tour dates: May 25 to June 5, 2020 Content Rating: PG. There are some themes that deal with the Jewish Holocaust and some frightening scenes appropriate for young adult and adult readers. ![]()
Book Details:
Book Title: The Cadence of Gypsies (The F.I.G. Mysteries) by Barbara Casey Category: YA Fiction (Ages 13-17), 200 pages Genre: Mystery, Fantasy Publisher: Gauthier Publications (Hungry Goat Press) Release date: The Cadence of Gypsies (2011) Tour dates: May 25 to June 5, 2020 Content Rating: PG. There are some themes that deal with the Jewish Holocaust and some frightening scenes appropriate for young adult and adult readers.
Book Description:
Three high-spirited 17 year olds, with intelligent quotients in the genius range, accompany their teacher and mentor, Carolina Lovel, to Frascati, Italy, a few weeks before they are to graduate from Wood Rose Orphanage and Academy for Young Women. Carolina's purpose in planning the trip is to remove her gifted, creative students from the Wood Rose campus located in Raleigh, North Carolina, so they can't cause any more problems ("expressions of creativity") for the headmaster, faculty, and other students – which they do with regularity. Carolina also wants to visit the Villa Mondragone where the Voynich Manuscript, the most mysterious document in the world, was first discovered and search how it is related to a paper written in the same script she received on her 18th birthday when she was told that she was adopted – a search that will fill in all of the missing pieces of her past and help each of her students to discover something meaningful within themselves. ![]()
Book Details:
Book Title: The Wish Rider (The F.I.G. Mysteries) by Barbara Casey Category: YA Fiction (Ages 13-17), 220 pages Genre: Mystery, Fantasy Publisher: Gauthier Publications (Hungry Goat Press) Release date: The Wish Rider (2016) Tour dates: May 25 to June 5, 2020 Content Rating: PG. There are some themes that deal with the Jewish Holocaust and some frightening scenes appropriate for young adult and adult readers.
Book Description:
Seventeen-year-old Dara Roux and her two best friends, Mackenzie Yarborough and Jennifer Torres, the three collectively referred to as the FIGs (Females of Intellectual Genius) because each has an intelligence quotient in the genius range, have just returned from Frascati, Italy. It was there that their much loved teacher and mentor, Carolina Lovel, discovered that her birth parents were gypsies, and that she had a connection to the Voynich Manuscript, the most mysterious document in the world. Now, with graduation from Wood Rose Orphanage and Academy for Young Women behind them, Dara asks Mackenzie, Jennifer, and Carolina to help her locate her birth mother when she learns that she might be living in New York City. All the young women have to work with are five addresses, and when Mackenzie prepares a grid showing the location of all five addresses, four of the locations form a square with the fifth in the middle—which is also Grand Central Terminal. Relying on Dara’s gift for speaking and understanding foreign languages, the black and white images that stir musical cadences in Jennifer’s mind, and Mackenzie’s mathematical calculations that normally provide numerical solutions and answers to life’s most difficult questions but now keep showing the number “61”, the determined young women tirelessly go from one address to another in search of Dara’s mother. Their determination turns to desperation, however, and they ignore caution and the dissonant chords Jennifer frantically scribbles on her eight-stave musical paper as they pursue one final address—the one located in the middle of Mackenzie’s grid. Encountering a dark hidden society and sub culture more dangerous and terrifying than they could have imagined, it is there that Dara learns why she was abandoned as a seven year old in a candy store all those years ago. ![]()
Book Details:
Book Title: The Clock Flower (The F.I.G. Mysteries) by Barbara Casey Category: YA Fiction (Ages 13-17), 180 pages Genre: Mystery, Fantasy Publisher: Gauthier Publications (Hungry Goat Press) Release date: The Clock Flower (2018) Tour dates: May 25 to June 5, 2020 Content Rating: PG. There are some themes that deal with the Jewish Holocaust and some frightening scenes appropriate for young adult and adult readers.
Book Description:
The three FIGs—Females of Intellectual Genius—as they are called, have graduated from Wood Rose Orphanage and Academy for Young Women after returning from New York City where Dara learned why her mother abandoned her all those years ago, and they are now attending universities where they can further their special talents. This means they will be separated from each other and from Carolina, their much-loved mentor and teacher who is “one of them,” for the first time in their young lives. They vow to try living apart for one semester, in the so-called real world that doesn’t include the orphanage; but if things don’t work out, they will come up with another plan—a plan where they can be together once again. Dara is invited through Yale University to take part in an exciting archeological project in China. Jennifer, once again visualizing black and white images and the unusual sounds of another cadence that seem to be connected to Mackenzie, is engrossed in creating her next symphony at Juilliard. Mackenzie, because of her genius at problem-solving, is personally chosen by a US Senator to get involved in a mysterious, secret research project involving immortality that is being conducted in a small village in China—not too far from where Dara is involved with the archeological site. Once there, however, she finds herself facing a terrifying death from the blood-dripping teeth of an ancient evil dragon. Her best friends, the FIGs and Carolina, rely on their own unique genius and special talents to save her as she discovers the truth of her birth parents. ![]()
Book Details:
Book Title: The Nightjar's Promise (Book 4 of The F.I.G. Mysteries) by Barbara Casey Category: YA Fiction (Ages 13-17), 130 pages Genre: Mystery, Fantasy Publisher: Gauthier Publications (Hungry Goat Press) Release date: April, 2020 Format available for review: print, gifted Kindle, PDF Will send Print Books to: USA and Canada Tour dates: May 4 to May 22, 2020 Content Rating: PG. There are some themes that deal with the Jewish Holocaust and some frightening scenes appropriate for young adult and adult readers.
Book Description:
Jennifer Torres, one of the three FIGs (Females of Intellectual Genius) who is a genius in both music and art, is the last to leave the closed rehearsal for her upcoming performance over Thanksgiving break at Carnegie Hall when she hears something in the darkened Hall. Recognizing the tilt of the woman’s head and the slight limp of the man as they hurry out an exit door, she realizes it is her parents who were supposedly killed in a terrible car accident when she was 15 years old. Devastated and feeling betrayed, she sends a text to Carolina and the other two FIGs—THURGOOD. It is the code word they all agreed to use if ever one of them got into trouble or something happened that was too difficult to handle. They would all meet back at Carolina’s bungalow at Wood Rose Orphanage and Academy for Young Women to figure it out. As soon as they receive the text, because of their genius, Dara starts thinking of words in ancient Hebrew, German, and Yiddish, while Mackenzie’s visions of unique math formulae keep bringing up the date October 11, 1943. That is the date during World War II when the Nazis—the Kunstschutz—looted the paintings of targeted wealthy Jewish families and hid them away under Hitler’s orders. And as Carolina waits for the FIGs to return to Wood Rose, she hears warnings from Lyuba, her gypsy mother, to watch for the nightjar, the ancient name for the whip-poor-will. As they search for “The Nightjar’s Promise” and the truth surrounding it, Carolina and the FIGs come face to face with evil that threatens to destroy not only their genius, but their very lives.
Buy the Book: Add to Goodreads Coming Soon to Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, and Bookstores Everywhere!
Meet the Author:
Originally from Carrollton, Illinois, author/agent/publisher Barbara Casey attended the University of North Carolina, N.C. State University, and N.C. Wesleyan College where she received a BA degree, summa cum laude, with a double major in English and history. In 1978 she left her position as Director of Public Relations and Vice President of Development at North Carolina Wesleyan College to write full time and develop her own manuscript evaluation and editorial service. In 1995 she established the Barbara Casey Agency and since that time has represented authors from the United States, Great Britain, Canada, and Japan. In 2014, she became a partner with Strategic Media Books, an independent nonfiction publisher of true crime, where she oversees acquisitions, day-to-day operations, and book production. Ms. Casey has written over a dozen award-winning books of fiction and nonfiction for both young adults and adults. The awards include the National Association of University Women Literary Award, the Sir Walter Raleigh Literary Award, the Independent Publisher Book Award, the Dana Award for Outstanding Novel, the IP Best Book for Regional Fiction, among others. Two of her nonfiction books have been optioned for major films, one of which is under contract. Her award-winning articles, short stories, and poetry for adults have appeared in both national and international publications including the North Carolina Christian Advocate Magazine, The New East Magazine, the Raleigh (N.C.) News and Observer, the Rocky Mount (N.C.) Sunday Telegram, Dog Fancy, ByLine, The Christian Record, Skirt! Magazine, and True Story. A thirty-minute television special which Ms. Casey wrote and coordinated was broadcast on WRAL, Channel 5, in Raleigh, North Carolina. She also received special recognition for her editorial work on the English translations of Albanian children’s stories. Her award-winning science fiction short stories for adults are featured in The Cosmic Unicorn and CrossTime science fiction anthologies. Ms. Casey's essays and other works appear in The Chrysalis Reader, the international literary journal of the Swedenborg Foundation, 221 One-Minute Monologues from Literature (Smith and Kraus Publishers), and A Cup of Comfort (Adams Media Corporation). Ms. Casey is a former director of BookFest of the Palm Beaches, Florida, where she served as guest author and panelist. She has served as judge for the Pathfinder Literary Awards in Palm Beach and Martin Counties, Florida, and was the Florida Regional Advisor for the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators from 1991 through 2003. In 2018 Ms. Casey received the prestigious Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award and Top Professional Award for her extensive experience and notable accomplishments in the field of publishing and other areas. She makes her home on the top of a mountain in northwest Georgia with her husband and three cats who adopted her, Homer, Reese, and Earl Gray - Reese’s best friend. Connect with the author: Website~ Goodreads ~ Facebook
Tour Schedule:
May 25 – KC Beanie Boos Collection – series spotlight May 26 –Nighttime Reading Center – series spotlight / giveaway May 26 -Sefina Hawke's Books – series spotlight May 27 –T's Stuff – series spotlight / author interview / giveaway May 27 -Book Corner News and Reviews – series spotlight / giveaway May 28 –Locks, Hooks and Books – series spotlight / guest post / giveaway May 28 -Library of Clean Reads – series spotlight / giveaway May 29 –Jazzy Book Reviews – series spotlight / giveaway June 1 –My Reading Journeys – series spotlight / giveaway June 2 –Bookworm for Kids – series spotlight / author interview / giveaway June 2 -Stephanie Jane – series spotlight / giveaway June 3 –Splashes of Joy – series spotlight / author interview / giveaway June 4 –Celticlady's Reviews – series spotlight / giveaway June 4 -Blooming with Books – series spotlight / giveaway June 5 –Writer with Wanderlust – series spotlight / guest post / giveaway June 5 - Books for Books – series spotlight TBD - La libreria di Beppe – series spotlight / giveaway
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Join us for this tour from May 4 to May 22, 2020!
Book Details: Book Title: The Nightjar's Promise (Book 4 of The F.I.G. Mysteries) by Barbara Casey Category: YA Fiction (Ages 13-17), 130 pages Genre: Mystery, Fantasy Publisher: Gauthier Publications (Hungry Goat Press) Release date: April, 2020 Format available for review: print, gifted Kindle, PDF Will send Print Books to: USA and Canada Tour dates: May 4 to May 22, 2020 Content Rating: PG. There are some themes that deal with the Jewish Holocaust and some frightening scenes appropriate for young adult and adult readers.
Book Description:
Jennifer Torres, one of the three FIGs (Females of Intellectual Genius) who is a genius in both music and art, is the last to leave the closed rehearsal for her upcoming performance over Thanksgiving break at Carnegie Hall when she hears something in the darkened Hall. Recognizing the tilt of the woman’s head and the slight limp of the man as they hurry out an exit door, she realizes it is her parents who were supposedly killed in a terrible car accident when she was 15 years old. Devastated and feeling betrayed, she sends a text to Carolina and the other two FIGs—THURGOOD. It is the code word they all agreed to use if ever one of them got into trouble or something happened that was too difficult to handle. They would all meet back at Carolina’s bungalow at Wood Rose Orphanage and Academy for Young Women to figure it out. As soon as they receive the text, because of their genius, Dara starts thinking of words in ancient Hebrew, German, and Yiddish, while Mackenzie’s visions of unique math formulae keep bringing up the date October 11, 1943. That is the date during World War II when the Nazis—the Kunstschutz—looted the paintings of targeted wealthy Jewish families and hid them away under Hitler’s orders. And as Carolina waits for the FIGs to return to Wood Rose, she hears warnings from Lyuba, her gypsy mother, to watch for the nightjar, the ancient name for the whip-poor-will. As they search for “The Nightjar’s Promise” and the truth surrounding it, Carolina and the FIGs come face to face with evil that threatens to destroy not only their genius, but their very lives.
Buy the Book: ~ Add to Goodreads Coming Soon to Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, and Bookstores Everywhere!
Meet the Author:
Originally from Carrollton, Illinois, author/agent/publisher Barbara Casey attended the University of North Carolina, N.C. State University, and N.C. Wesleyan College where she received a BA degree, summa cum laude, with a double major in English and history. In 1978 she left her position as Director of Public Relations and Vice President of Development at North Carolina Wesleyan College to write full time and develop her own manuscript evaluation and editorial service. In 1995 she established the Barbara Casey Agency and since that time has represented authors from the United States, Great Britain, Canada, and Japan. In 2014, she became a partner with Strategic Media Books, an independent nonfiction publisher of true crime, where she oversees acquisitions, day-to-day operations, and book production. Ms. Casey has written over a dozen award-winning books of fiction and nonfiction for both young adults and adults. The awards include the National Association of University Women Literary Award, the Sir Walter Raleigh Literary Award, the Independent Publisher Book Award, the Dana Award for Outstanding Novel, the IP Best Book for Regional Fiction, among others. Two of her nonfiction books have been optioned for major films, one of which is under contract. Her award-winning articles, short stories, and poetry for adults have appeared in both national and international publications including the North Carolina Christian Advocate Magazine, The New East Magazine, the Raleigh (N.C.) News and Observer, the Rocky Mount (N.C.) Sunday Telegram, Dog Fancy, ByLine, The Christian Record, Skirt! Magazine, and True Story. A thirty-minute television special which Ms. Casey wrote and coordinated was broadcast on WRAL, Channel 5, in Raleigh, North Carolina. She also received special recognition for her editorial work on the English translations of Albanian children’s stories. Her award-winning science fiction short stories for adults are featured in The Cosmic Unicorn and CrossTime science fiction anthologies. Ms. Casey's essays and other works appear in The Chrysalis Reader, the international literary journal of the Swedenborg Foundation, 221 One-Minute Monologues from Literature (Smith and Kraus Publishers), and A Cup of Comfort (Adams Media Corporation). Ms. Casey is a former director of BookFest of the Palm Beaches, Florida, where she served as guest author and panelist. She has served as judge for the Pathfinder Literary Awards in Palm Beach and Martin Counties, Florida, and was the Florida Regional Advisor for the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators from 1991 through 2003. In 2018 Ms. Casey received the prestigious Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award and Top Professional Award for her extensive experience and notable accomplishments in the field of publishing and other areas. She makes her home on the top of a mountain in northwest Georgia with her husband and three cats who adopted her, Homer, Reese, and Earl Gray - Reese’s best friend. Connect with the author: Website~ Goodreads ~ Facebook
Tour Schedule:
May 4 –Working Mommy Journal – book review / giveaway May 5 –She Just Loves Books – book review / giveaway May 6 – Splashes of Joy – book spotlight / guest post / giveaway May 6 - Rockin' Book Reviews – book review / guest post / giveaway May 7 –Locks, Hooks and Books – book review / giveaway May 8 –Jazzy Book Reviews – book spotlight / author interview / giveaway May 11 –Bookworm for Kids – book review / giveaway May 12 –Book Corner News and Reviews – book review / giveaway May 13 -Bound 4 Escape – book review May 13 –StoreyBook Reviews – book spotlight / author interview / giveaway May 14 –Peaceful Pastime – book review May 17 - Merlot Et Mots – book review / giveaway May 18 - Merlot Et Mots – book spotlight / author interview / guest post May 19 - mowgli with a book – book review May 19 - Lamon Reviews - book spotlight / guest post / giveaway May 21 –Permanently_booked – book review May 22 –Books for Books – book review May 22 –The avid reader – book review / giveaway May 22 – Books and Zebras – book review / giveaway TBD - La libreria di Beppe - book spoltight / guest post / giveaway TBD – Karma Readz – book review / giveaway
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Current Tours:Giveaways:
Not only does Lauren do a fantastic job of organizing the tour and communicating with you at every step of the way, but I found the tour hosts that signed up for her tour to be of a higher caliber. The reviews that I got on this tour were thoughtful and well-written and I noticed an uptick in sales during this tour. I also appreciated the fact that many of her tour hosts that wrote reviews posted them on multiple sites, not just on their blog or Instagram account. This is invaluable to an author. I highly recommend Lauren and iReads Book Tours. - Allyson Rice, author of The Key to Circus-Mom Highway
Lauren Carr's iReads Book Tour is amazing! She gets real results. Not only did I get thousands of new eyes on my series, but I grew my following on all social media channels as well. Lauren has a dedicated group of reviewers and bloggers who are competent and reliable - no more wasted ARCs mailed out with no results.
- Michelle Cox, author of the Henrietta and Inspector Howard Novels Archives
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