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Join Us For This Tour From: May 3 to May 16 Book Details: Book Title: Unseen Arms: A Story about Cancer, Crisis, and Being Carried by Faith by Evelyn & Wayne Hausknecht Category: Adult Non-Fiction (18+), 168 pages Genre: Medical Memoir Publisher: Mascot Books Publication Date: May 3, 2022. Tour dates: May 3 to May 16 Content Rating: PG-13 + M: Mature as it is a medical journal/novel. Book Description: Patient and Caregiver: the main characters in a drama that started in 2007 and is still unfolding for Evelyn and Wayne Hausknecht. In 2007, Evelyn was diagnosed with an aggressive, recurrent type of non-Hodgkin’s T-cell lymphoma. Although in Unseen Arms Evelyn and Wayne are as medically accurate as their memories and blog allow, the greatest purpose here is to tell the story from a patient’s and caregiver’s perspectives. Recently, while having an in-depth conversation with a lung doctor when Evelyn was in the hospital with pneumonia, Evelyn was thanked by the doctor for what she and Wayne were doing. She was in awe of his excitement for the book. The doctor saw the need for future patients to learn from experienced patients. Evelyn and Wayne were peer volunteers for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society for years. The goal of that program was the same: an experienced caregiver and patient walk beside a person entering the transplant program to make their path smoother. Even though each diagnosis and circumstance is different, every patient has the same questions, fears, and needs. The greatest need is for someone understanding to talk to. When Evelyn was diagnosed, it was easy to find medical information, but caregiver and patient perspectives were limited. Evelyn and Wayne had three purposes for writing this book. One was to give God the Glory for His faithfulness during this process. The second was to give hope to the patients and caregivers of today and the future. The third was to give some limited insights into the stem cell transplant process. The medical part of this process is rapidly changing, but the patients and caregivers still have the same needs. Meet the Author: Evelyn and Wayne Hausknecht have spent most of their careers in education. Evelyn has taught different subjects and ages in public and Christian schools. Wayne, a wood engineer, helped build the largest sawmill in Brazil and has managed mills in Michigan and North Carolina. They both enjoy motorcycle riding and rode their Harley Davidson Road King to Glacier National Park in 2006. Recently, they traded their motorcycle for a Model A truck and now enjoy going to car shows. They have two married children and six grandchildren and reside in Harrisonburg, Virginia. connect with the author: facebook ~ instagram Tour Schedule:
May 3 - Cover Lover Book Review – book spotlight May 4 – JB's Bookworms with Brandy Mulder – book spotlight May 5 – Jazzy Book Reviews – book spotlight May 6 – fundinmental – book spotlight May 6 – Rockin' Book Reviews – book spotlight May 9 – Kam's Place – book spotlight May 10 – Locks, Hooks and Books – book spotlight May 11 – Splashes of Joy – book spotlight May 12 - Working Mommy Journal – book spotlight May 13 – From the TBR Pile – book spotlight May 16 - Gina Rae Mitchell – book spotlight
According to the National Cancer Institute, "In 2020, an estimated 1,806,590 new cases of cancer will be diagnosed in the United States and 606,520 people will die from the disease." It is impossible to meet someone who has not been touched by this disease in some manner, whether it be physically or emotionally.
There are many types of cancer--so many that each month of the year is dedicated to promoting awareness of a different type. Just as cancer comes in various forms, it touches different people in various ways. When a writer is touched by this disease, the natural reaction is to take pen to paper--or rather fingers to keyboard. The results will surprise you! The stories are as diverse as the disease. During the month of April, here at iRead Book Tours, we are featuring some tremendous titles written by or inspired by cancer survivors!
Book Title: Again: Surviving Cancer Twice with Love and Lists
Author: Christine Shields Corrigan Category: Adult Non-Fiction (18+), 256 pages Genre: Memoir Publisher: Koehler Books Release date: Oct 2020 Formats Available for review: print-softback (USA and Canada), ebook (mobi file (for Kindle), gifted Kindle copy, PDF, NetGalley download) Tour dates: May 10 to May 28, 2021 Content Rating: PG-13. My book has some profanity and one non-explicit sex scene with my husband.
"This no-nonsense debut memoir recalls Corrigan's two-time battle with cancer and takes a pragmatic approach toward guiding other patients. Candid, sagacious writing on illness and adaptation." --Kirkus Reviews
A breast cancer diagnosis at forty-nine forces Christine Shields Corrigan, a wife, mom, and meticulous list-maker, to confront her deepest fears of illness, death, and loss of control as she struggles to face cancer again. From the discovery of a “junky” cyst, to chemotherapy and surgery, sleepless nights filled with rosaries and “what ifs,” and shifting family dynamics, her adult experience mirrors her teen bout with Hodgkin’s lymphoma, with one exception—she no longer has parents keeping her in the dark. With the ghosts of cancer past hovering around her, Chris falls into the same overprotective traps her taciturn Irish-Catholic parents created, striving to keep her family’s life “normal,” when it is anything but, and soldiering through on her own, until a neighbor’s unexpected advice and gift move her to accept others’ help. With fierce honesty, poignant reflection, and good humor, Chris shares a journey filled with sorrow, grace, forgiveness, and resilience, as she winds her way through cancer for the second time. Again offers practical guidance and hope to individuals that they have the strength to forge a path beyond a diagnosis.
Book Title: FLYING AGAINST THE ODDS: One Man's Journey to New Ways of Healing by Jean-Jacques Trochon with Heather Whitehall-Trochon
Category: Adult Non-Fiction (18+), 249 pages Genre: Memoir Publisher: Ikhaya Publishing Release date: November 2020 Format available for review: print (Internationally), ebook (mobi, epub) Tour dates: May 17 to June 4, 2021 Content Rating: G. Memoir for General Audience.
Jean-Jacque (JJ) had a devastating problem. At age fifty-one, he was diagnosed with stage four cancer and given three years to live. Rather than accept that outcome, JJ did what he always does: he set out to find a solution. Desiring to look beyond traditional treatments and their often harmful side effects, he put his unconventionally wired mind to work. JJ was relentless as he investigated alternative therapies and pursued global trailblazers in cancer research. Moving from the role of patient to patient-researcher, he became a trailblazer in his own right, being sought after for his latest findings. Ultimately, JJ brought together the most innovative international minds at the Rethinking Cancer 2017 conference in Paris. Together, they found common ground, and they continue to create integrative, synergistic approaches to treatment. Today, almost a decade after his diagnosis, JJ has defied the odds and is cancer-free. Recently retired from his career as a commercial airline captain on the Airbus A380, he now devotes himself to sharing his ongoing research with scientists and patients. JJ’s story illustrates how looking at things differently often enables us to see them in a whole new light.
Book Title: Caroline & Mordecai the Gand by Jeff Gunhus
Category: Middle-Grade Fiction (Ages 8-12), 186 pages Genre: Fantasy, Literary Publisher: Seven Guns Press Release date: March 31, 2021 Format available for review: print (USA), ebook (mobi for kindle, epub, PDF, audiobook (audible download) Tour dates: Mar 31 to May 11, 2021 Content Rating: PG: The language is G. There is one scene with the main character punches a bully resulting in a bloody nose. The emotional treatment of grief and the death of a loved one can be somewhat intense.
"Readers of all ages who look for ethereal, haunting stories of recovery and courage will find Caroline & Mordecai the Gand may hold the trappings of a fantasy adventure; but inside there is so much more. Make the right decision, to read this!" - D. Donovan, Senior Reviewer, Midwest Book Review
"Caroline’s story is profoundly sad, and yet hopeful, magical, and yet rooted in reality. There is magic, mystery, and daring adventure." - BooksCoffee
This novella was written by USA Today bestselling author Jeff Gunhus after he received a devastating diagnosis of state 3 cancer. The story is a message to his five children on how to deal with grief and a plea for them to grasp onto joy and love even in the darkest of times.
Caroline loses her spark. It takes a great adventure for her to find it again. Caroline loses her father in a car accident for which she feels responsible. Consumed by grief, she has a difficult time readjusting to a world that has changed so dramatically for her. On the anniversary of her father’s death, a strange window opens in the middle of the small lake behind her house. She climbs up an old oak to peer inside, but falls out of the tree and discovers that the window also serves as a door into a different world. Enter Mordecai the Gand, a mysterious traveler who befriends Caroline and promises to help her find a way back home since the window she fell through has disappeared. The two set out on a series of adventures that include visiting a tree village populated by a tribe known for eating travelers, running into a witch under a spell of her own making, hiding in a cave with a dragon encased in a wall of ice (prone to melting by campfire), all the while being pursued by a mysterious entity call the Creach which promises to devour Caroline and trap her in an eternity of despair. As they navigate these adventures and this new world, Caroline slowly discovers that she is meant to help each of the characters she meets. As she battles internally whether to stay or return home to the sadness and grief waiting for her there, she must regain perspective and open her heart to the act of caring and to the joy of love itself. In the end, she must demonstrate great courage, loyalty, and caring as the plot unfolds, becoming the active hero of her own story.
Book Title: Marvellous Macey, The Delightful Days by Caitlin Bangsund
Category: Children's Fiction (Ages 3-8), 40 pages Genre: Children's Picture Book Publisher: Caitlin E. Bangsund Release date: March 2021 Format available for review: print, ebook (PDF) Will send print books out: USA and Canada Tour dates: Mar 1 to mar 28, 2021 Content Rating: G. This children's book is for everyone. you va va voom? Do you light up the room? Marvellous Macey does! She may not quite fit the mould, but she is living delightful days. Embrace Macey's world of imagination and ability to love and accept everyone. Life may not be perfect and some things might be hard, but Macey shows us how to live in the moment and find the delight! Be inspired by Macey to make everyday the BEST day.
Caitlin Bangsund is the author of Marvellous Macey, The Delightful Days. It is the first in a series based on true life. Caitlin knows the trial and trauma of childhood cancer, childhood disability, and the fear of almost losing her daughter — the star of the series — Macey. She encourages readers to look for the treasures that hide in the rubble and gloom. Life is beautiful chaos and her message is to press on and conquer. Read her stories and help create a world that is full of kindness and acceptance.
Book Title: MC Plays Hide and Seek: An Empowering Story for Healthy Children Who Care About a Person Living with Cancer by Eva Grayzel
Category: Children's Fiction (Ages 3-7), 64 pages Genre: Children's Picture Book Publisher: Mascot Books Release date: Jan 5, 2021 Format available for review: print (USA), pdf Tour dates: Jan 5 to Feb 1, 2021 Content Rating: G for everyone.
When asked about her motivation for writing her children's picture book about cancer, author Eva Grayzel explains:
My children were 5 and 7 when I was diagnosed with stage IV oral cancer. It’s a disease that cannot be hidden under clothing. My caregivers were so consumed with me, we didn’t addressthe feelings of our children. I regret not seeking professional attention for them during that time, but we didn’t think of it. If my healthcare providers had recommended it, we would have followed through. Since my voice was compromised during treatment, finding a book about understanding cancer would have been an easy solution. However, I could not find one to help start the conversation with our children. Months after my recovery, my daughter still wouldn’t kiss me. She was intuitive, afraid of losing me and didn’t want to commit to another day of loving me. My son was shopping with his grandma for a birthday card and he found a Get Well card. “Let’s buy this for Mom.” Grandma had to tell him that I wasn’t sick anymore. When I reached my 10 year cancer-free anniversary, I had to mark it. There was no better way than filling the void for a children’s book to minimize fear and promote dialogue about cancer. ‘M.C. Plays Hide & Seek’ emphasizes feelings children experience and ways to address their emotions in a healthy, comfortable way. It’s everything I wished I had for my children. And, I hope it will be everything you need for yours.
Tour Schedule:
Apr 5 –Cover Lover Book Review – books spotlight Apr 6 – Man of la Book - A Bookish Blog – books spotlight Apr 7 – Lamon Reviews – books spotlight Apr 8 – Rockin' Book Reviews – books spotlight Apr 8 - Thoughts in Progress – books spotlight Apr 13 –Books for Books – books spotlight Apr 13 - Gina Rae Mitchell - books spotlight Apr 14 –Literary Flits – books spotlight Apr 15 – A Mama's Corner of the World – books spotlight Apr 20 –The Adventures Of a Travelers Wife – books spotlight Apr 21 –Lisa's Reading – books spotlight Apr 22 –jayme_reads – books spotlight Apr 23 - Splashes of Joy – books spotlight Apr 27 – Sefina Hawke's Books – books spotlight Apr 28 – Locks, Hooks and Books – books spotlight Apr 30 – Kam's Place – books spotlight
Join us for this tour from May 17 to June 4, 2021!
Book Details: Book Title: FLYING AGAINST THE ODDS: One Man's Journey to New Ways of Healing by Jean-Jacques Trochon with Heather Whitehall-Trochon Category: Adult Non-Fiction (18+), 249 pages Genre: Memoir Publisher: Ikhaya Publishing Release date: November 2020 Format available for review: print (Internationally), ebook (mobi, epub) Tour dates: May 17 to June 4, 2021 Content Rating: G. Memoir for General Audience.
Book Description:
“IT TAKES A DIFFERENT KIND OF THINKING TO SOLVE A PROBLEM THAN THE KIND OF THINKING THAT PRODUCED THE PROBLEM.” —Albert Einstein JJ had a devastating problem. At age fifty-one, he was diagnosed with stage four cancer and given three years to live. Rather than accept that outcome, JJ did what he always does: he set out to find a solution. Desiring to look beyond traditional treatments and their often harmful side effects, he put his unconventionally wired mind to work. JJ was relentless as he investigated alternative therapies and pursued global trailblazers in cancer research. Moving from the role of patient to patient-researcher, he became a trailblazer in his own right, being sought after for his latest findings. Ultimately, JJ brought together the most innovative international minds at the Rethinking Cancer 2017 conference in Paris. Together, they found common ground, and they continue to create integrative, synergistic approaches to treatment. Today, almost a decade after his diagnosis, JJ has defied the odds and is cancer-free. Recently retired from his career as a commercial airline captain on the Airbus A380, he now devotes himself to sharing his ongoing research with scientists and patients. JJ’s story illustrates how looking at things differently often enables us to see them in a whole new light.
Meet the Authors:
Jean-Jacques Trochon (or JJ as he is more commonly known) spent thirty-two years as a commercial airline pilot for Air France. A French national, he enjoyed an early childhood in Tahiti before finishing his schooling in France and the USA. In 2003, JJ was diagnosed with aggressive kidney cancer and subsequently underwent the removal of his left kidney. In 2012 and 2014, he underwent further surgeries following the discovery of multiple metastases in both lungs. Despite being given a slim chance of survival, JJ again returned to work in 2016. He captained the world's largest commercial aircraft, the Airbus A380, until his retirement in spring 2020. Today, Jean-Jacques devotes his spare time to helping other cancer sufferers and spreading the word about his revolutionary approach to the disease. He was the initiator of Rethinking Cancer 2017, a groundbreaking conference held in Paris on September 21, 2017, at Institut Gustave Roussy, the leading cancer center in Europe. Heather Whitehall-Trochon is a lover of languages and translator of French and German into English. A British national, she completed studies in fashion journalism at the London College of Fashion before moving to Munich, Germany, where she worked in public relations for fashion and film. After relocating to Vienna, Austria, she had a brief stint as an editor at the Associated Press, prior to becoming a freelance translator and seasoned backpacker. Heather met JJ in Paris in 2007, marrying him the following year. The couple, together with their cat, Zulu, have now settled in Biarritz, France. Connect with the author: Website ~ Twitter ~ Facebook ~ Instagram ~ Goodread
Tour Schedule:
May 17 –Olio By Marilyn – book review / giveaway
May 17 –Olio By Marilyn – book spotlight / author interview May 18 – Kam's Place – book review May 19 – Locks, Hooks and Books – book review / giveaway May 20 –Lisa's Reading – book spotlight May 20 - Cover Lover Book Review – book spotlight / giveaway May 21 – Jazzy Book Reviews – book spotlight / author interview / giveaway May 24 – Literary Flits – book spotlight / giveaway May 25 – A Mama's Corner of the World – book review / giveaway May 25 –Rockin' Book Reviews – book review / guest post / giveaway May 26 - Pick a Good Book – book spotlight / author interview / giveaway May 26 - The Culture Hunter - book review / guest post / giveaway May 27 –jayme_reads – book review May 28 – Books Lattes & Tiaras – book spotlight May 31 –Books for Books – book spotlight June 1 – Leels Loves Books – book review / giveaway June 1 - @twilight_reader - book review June 2 –Lamon Reviews – book spotlight / author interview / giveaway June 2 - Book Reviews by Shreya Vijay - book review / author interview June 3 -Over Coffee Conversations - book review / giveaway June 4 –Sefina Hawke's Books – book spotlight June 4 –Splashes of Joy – book review / author interview / giveaway
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SPOTLIGHT BOOK TOUR: Cerebral Palsy: 'A Story' Finding the Calm After the Storm by Ilana Estelle3/3/2021
Join us for this tour from May 17 to Jun 4, 2021!
Book Details: Book Title: Cerebral Palsy: 'A Story' Finding the Calm After the Storm Author: Ilana Estelle Category: Adult Non-Fiction, 288 pages Genre: memoir Publisher: RedDoor Press Release date: Feb 1, 2020 Tour dates: May 17 to June 4, 2021 Content Rating: G.
Book Description:
Born the second of premature twins, Ilana knew she was different from a young age, but for all the wrong reasons. Part memoir, part motivational guide, this is Ilana's open and honest journey, from an angry confused child, knowing something was wrong, but not knowing what, to the 'real' her - a courageous woman using her experiences and lessons to create inspiring messages about mental and physical health, positivity, resilience and change.
Meet the Author:
"Living with cerebral palsy is enormously difficult. But what if you never knew you had it? This is the incredible story of Ilana Estelle. Born the second of premature twins, an hour apart, from a young age Ilana knew she was different, but for all the wrong reasons. A child of the 60s, Ilana experienced first-hand the way that disability was, so often brushed under the carpet, not spoken about. Her constant physical and mental struggles made her feel isolated, alone, frustrated, and misunderstood… and it took 46 years for her to find out why. Part memoir, part motivational guide, Cerebral Palsy: a story 'Finding the Calm After The Storm' is Ilana’s open and honest journey from an angry, confused child, knowing something was wrong, not knowing what was wrong, what her disability was, or that there was a diagnosis, to the ‘real’ her – a courageous woman using her experiences and lessons to create inspiring messages about mental and physical health, positivity, resilience and change.” Connect with the author: website ~ twitter ~ facebook ~ pinterest ~ goodreads
Tour Schedule:
May 17 – Cover Lover Book Review – book spotlight / giveaway May 17 - Sefina Hawke's Books – book spotlight May 17 - Working Mommy Journal - book spotlight May 18 –Gina Rae Mitchell – book spotlight / author interview / giveaway May 18 -Lisa's Reading – book spotlight / author interview / giveaway May 18 - Rockin' Book Reviews – book spotlight / guest post / giveaway May 19 – Man of la Book - A Bookish Blog – book spotlight / giveaway May 20 – Westveil Publishing – book spotlight / guest post / giveaway May 21 – Splashes of Joy – book spotlight / author interview / giveaway May 24 - Hall Ways Blog - book spotlight / guest post / giveaway May 25 – Pick a Good Book – book spotlight / author interview / giveaway May 26 – Locks, Hooks and Books – book spotlight / guest post / giveaway May 26 - She Just Loves Books – book spotlight / giveaway May 28 – Literary Flits – book spotlight / giveaway May 28 – A Mama's Corner of the World – book spotlight / giveaway May 31 –Leels Loves Books – book spotlight Jun 1 -Books for Books – book spotlight June 2 – My Journey Back – book spotlight / giveaway Jun 2 –Jazzy Book Reviews – book spotlight / author interview / giveaway Jun 3 – Deborah-Zenha Adams – book spotlight / guest post / giveaway Jun 4 –Books Lattes & Tiaras – book spotlight / giveaway TBD – Book World Reviews – book spotlight
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Join us for this tour from May 10 to May 28, 2021!
Book Details: Book Title: Again: Surviving Cancer Twice with Love and Lists Author: Christine Shields Corrigan Category: Adult Non-Fiction (18+), 256 pages Genre: Memoir Publisher: Koehler Books Release date: Oct 2020 Formats Available for review: print-softback (USA and Canada), ebook (mobi file (for Kindle), gifted Kindle copy, PDF, NetGalley download) Tour dates: May 10 to May 28, 2021 Content Rating: PG-13. My book has some profanity and one non-explicit sex scene with my husband.
"This no-nonsense debut memoir recalls Corrigan's two-time battle with cancer and takes a pragmatic approach toward guiding other patients. Candid, sagacious writing on illness and adaptation." --Kirkus Reviews
Book Description:
A breast cancer diagnosis at forty-nine forces Christine Shields Corrigan, a wife, mom, and meticulous list-maker, to confront her deepest fears of illness, death, and loss of control as she struggles to face cancer again. From the discovery of a “junky” cyst, to chemotherapy and surgery, sleepless nights filled with rosaries and “what ifs,” and shifting family dynamics, her adult experience mirrors her teen bout with Hodgkin’s lymphoma, with one exception—she no longer has parents keeping her in the dark. With the ghosts of cancer past hovering around her, Chris falls into the same overprotective traps her taciturn Irish-Catholic parents created, striving to keep her family’s life “normal,” when it is anything but, and soldiering through on her own, until a neighbor’s unexpected advice and gift move her to accept others’ help. With fierce honesty, poignant reflection, and good humor, Chris shares a journey filled with sorrow, grace, forgiveness, and resilience, as she winds her way through cancer for the second time. Again offers practical guidance and hope to individuals that they have the strength to forge a path beyond a diagnosis.
Meet the Author:
Christine Shields Corrigan is a two-time cancer survivor, wife, mom, and author of Again: Surviving Cancer Twice with Love and Lists . In addition to Again , Chris has published a number of lyrical and practical essays where she gives voice to the beautiful ordinary. Her work about family, illness, writing, and resilient survivorship has appeared in anthologies, magazines, and other publications including, The Brevity Blog, Grown & Flown, Horn Pond Review, The Potato Soup Journal and Anthology, Purple Clover,, Wildfire Magazine, and the Writer’s Circle 2 Anthology. Chris’ essay, “Not Back to But Forward,” about how her cancer experiences helped her cope with COVID-19 is included in (Her)oics: Women’s Lived Experiences During the COVID-19 Pandemic (edited by Joanell Serra and Amy Roost), an anthology that draws together the stories of 52 women across the US during the Covid-19 pandemic (March 2021). A graduate of Manhattan College and Fordham University School of Law, Chris built a successful career as a labor and employment law attorney and as a legal writer and editor. After surviving cancer in midlife, Chris became a freelance writer. She also teaches creative nonfiction writing for an adult education program, provides writing workshops for cancer support groups, and is the chair of the programming committee of the Morristown Festival of Books. She lives in New Jersey with her family. Connect with the author: Website ~ Twitter ~ Facebook ~ instagram
Tour Schedule:
May 10 – Cover Lover Book Review – book spotlight / giveaway May 10 - Working Mommy Journal - book spotlight / giveaway May 11 –Rockin' Book Reviews – book review / guest post / giveaway May 12 – Pick A Good Book – book review / author interview / giveaway May 13 – Jazzy Book Reviews – book spotlight / guest post / giveaway May 14 – Sefina Hawke's Books – book spotlight May 14 - Books for Books – book spotlight May 17 -Literary Flits – book spotlight / giveaway May 19 –A Mama's Corner of the World – book review / giveaway May 19 – Locks, Hooks and Books – book review / giveaway May 19 – Books Lattes & Tiaras – book spotlight / giveaway May 20 –jayme_reads – book review May 20 - Olio by Marilyn – book review / giveaway May 20 -Olio by Marilyn – book spotlight / author interview May 24 –Lamon Reviews – book spotlight / author interview / giveaway May 25 - Laura's Interests – book review / giveaway May 26 – Kam’s Place – book review May 27 –Deborah-Zenha Adams – book spotlight / guest post / giveaway May 27 -Leels Loves Books – book review / giveaway May 28 – Adventurous Jessy – book review / giveaway TBD – Book World Reviews – book review
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* Acorn Book Services/iRead Book Tours is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to
Current Tours:Giveaways:
Not only does Lauren do a fantastic job of organizing the tour and communicating with you at every step of the way, but I found the tour hosts that signed up for her tour to be of a higher caliber. The reviews that I got on this tour were thoughtful and well-written and I noticed an uptick in sales during this tour. I also appreciated the fact that many of her tour hosts that wrote reviews posted them on multiple sites, not just on their blog or Instagram account. This is invaluable to an author. I highly recommend Lauren and iReads Book Tours. - Allyson Rice, author of The Key to Circus-Mom Highway
Lauren Carr's iReads Book Tour is amazing! She gets real results. Not only did I get thousands of new eyes on my series, but I grew my following on all social media channels as well. Lauren has a dedicated group of reviewers and bloggers who are competent and reliable - no more wasted ARCs mailed out with no results.
- Michelle Cox, author of the Henrietta and Inspector Howard Novels Archives
January 2025
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