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Join us for this tour from Feb 1 to Feb 19, 2021!
Book Details: Book Title: STOP STRESS FAST : 12 Quick, Proven Stress Relief Techniques to Help You Feel Good Everyday by Gregory Landsman Category: Adult Non-Fiction (18 yrs +), 110 pages Genre: Stress Management Self Help; Happiness Self Help; Self Help Publisher: Hill of Content Publishing Release date: June 2020 Tour dates: Feb 1 to Feb 19, 2021 Content Rating: G.
“Stop Stress Fast is a highly digestible, real world guide that brings tangible benefits to the reader very quickly. It helps us understand the science behind the approach, and it reads so easily that anyone could pick it up and within a few minutes be well on the way to implementing a number of practical and effective stress management tools.” - Psychiatrist Dr Doug Blomeley
Book Description:
STRESS MANAGEMENT TO SUPPORT MINDFULNESS Best selling author and wellness educator Gregory Landsman shares his quick, simple and proven method to STOP STRESS FAST and re-boot your energy. The bite sized chapters will reveal: • The ground breaking GL DE-STRESS & AGE LESS™ Breathing Technique that everyone can use to Stop Stress Fast (sometimes in less than 2 minutes). • The secrets to lowering stress levels everyday with foods that support you to look younger and healthier at the same time. • The 5-Day GL DE-STRESS & AGE LESS™ diet. • How to counteract the wrinkle causing hormone and look younger and more vital.
EXCERPT FROM STOP STRESS FAST (Introduction) In my thirties I looked ten years older than my age and was close to a breakdown from stress, overwork and unresolved emotional issues. Most of the time I didn’t know what was wrong with my life. I didn’t know why it wasn’t running smoothly and had no idea how to fix all the things that were going on and going wrong. One minute I was happy, the next minute I was sad and my ability to make decisions was clouded with doubt. The stress that I felt on a daily basis was impacting on the quality of my relationship, my business, my health and state of mind. Instead of dealing with the cause of my stress, I built my life around managing the stress and unhappiness I felt, and doing what was required to keep everything moving. I felt disillusioned and ashamed for letting these emotions get the better of me and angry for not being able to manage my own expectations. To cope with the stress of a difficult day I would ‘self-medicate’ with lifestyle elements; a few more coffees to get through the day; too many sweet or greasy snacks to cheer me up; and one too many glasses of wine to relax - none of which would have been a problem if I had only indulged occasionally; but stress had a way of turning my indulgent treats into an everyday occurrence. I felt overwhelmed and exhausted. The days were long and the nights were even longer, and when I did fall asleep I would wake up short of breath with my heart pounding. I got to the point where I dreaded going to bed and would spend my days feeling weary with my mind in a fog. I looked broken and started to gain weight; so misery was now sitting on my face and my bones. Fatigue and heart palpitations became my new ‘normal’, but I ignored the symptoms and told myself it would all be worth it. My feelings of personal success and self-worth were based on my business success and so I pushed myself harder and internalised my worrying. I wanted to be the best I could be, but I had been fighting years of stress and toxic lifestyle behaviours. I experienced low motivation and low moods, but I kept pretending that nothing was wrong and whenever it felt like I was at breaking point I told myself to ‘get over it’. That worked for a while, until one night at two in the morning the stress that I thought I was keeping under control, took control over me. My heart was beating wildly and my breathing became shorter and shorter. With long pauses between breaths I began to panic and wondered if each breath would be my last. No matter what I did, I couldn’t modulate my breathing and was just desperately gasping for air. My wife rushed me to the hospital where I found myself in emergency hooked up to an oxygen tank for hours, while they performed all sorts of tests. The doctor told me it was an anxiety attack, but regardless of what they called it, I knew that the stress I had refused to deal with had finally caught up with me. Never before had I given much thought to the act of breathing, after all we do it all day without having to think about it; but after this incident I found myself feeling extremely grateful for each new breath I took. Even after this episode, my stress and anxiety levels were still high, as my business used every last bit of energy I had in me. Everything in my world seemed to be challenging me to find another way to live and so faced with collapse from exhaustion, I finally had to decide whether wealth or my health was to be my priority. It didn’t feel like an easy decision as I had worked so hard to get to where I was, but in reality I didn’t have a choice if I wanted to live a long and happy life; so I made the commitment to de-stress my life. I was searching for a deeper understanding of who I was and the life I had created and this took me to India. I stayed in India for three months, spending whole weeks at a time practising meditation and conscious breathing for thirteen hours a day. The program would start at 4.30am in the morning and finish at 10.00pm in the evening, with short breaks for water, fruit and watery porridge flavoured with garlic! As we meditated we were told to breathe deeply and consciously, while sitting completely still in one position for the entire day – no talking, no eye contact and no hand gestures. There was certainly nothing ‘airy fairy’ about this course. It felt like a mental, physical and emotional boot camp. So when I wasn’t fighting an itch that I wasn’t allowed to scratch, my body ached, my muscles cramped and my joints locked. By the end of the night, as I walked back to my sleeping quarters, my legs shook uncontrollably from the pain. Everything changes when you have no distractions; you remember things and feel things that you have long forgotten about or put aside. In the silence all of the suppressed unhappiness, stress and emotional baggage that I had been running from in my life crashed into me. There was so much unresolved pain in my life and sitting with my own thoughts I could feel how I had repressed my feelings, pushing them deep into my body so that all I generally felt on a daily basis was a sense of numbness. For the first time I understood why a feeling of inner peace eluded me and why I felt depressed, anxious and unhappy. It is a bizarre feeling sitting in silence waiting for nothing other than your next deep breath. I started to feel how stress had burdened my mind and body and made me look worn out, defeated and tired. Listening to the subtle changes in my breath helped me understand how my body responded to my thoughts and how this set off stress reactions in my body. When I thought about something stressful, my breath would shorten and I would feel anxiety take over my whole body. But in this environment there was no option to suppress my thoughts and feelings and keep moving. I had nowhere to run, no business meetings to distract me and no lifestyle self-medicating opportunities; it was just me sitting alone in one position with my thoughts and feelings for hours every day. As awful as this sounds, (and it was), it was the turning point that allowed me to listen to where the stress was coming from and start to heal the parts of me that were pained. Acknowledging and listening to my feelings went a long way to releasing the built up stress in my body; but what astounded me was that at the end of this meditation program I could see that it had literally taken years off my face within days. I felt like I had discovered the fountain of youth! The stress had left my face and I looked like a younger, fresher version of myself; but beyond that I felt more calm and peaceful than I could ever remember. The old saying that life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% of how you react to it, was ringing true. I believed I was no longer a victim to my thoughts and emotions and no longer needed to follow them down the well-worn path to the pit of depression. The transformation I experienced felt like it had reignited my life force. While there was no single ‘silver bullet’ solution to lowering my stress levels, the realisation that I could take back control of my life from the stress I had lived with for so long was like a light going on in my head. The deep breathing and meditation were transformational. I now had some tools that I could use to help me feel better and cope with situations in a calmer way. My quality of life was changing internally and that was showing up in the way I felt and my overall health. Prior to going to India I was suffering from built up internal stress as well as the additional physical stress caused by over-indulgence with the wrong foods; too much sugar and way too much alcohol. So I knew that when I returned to my real life and its every day stresses that if I wanted a different result, I needed to change the way I managed the internal stress and my use of lifestyle indulgences for short term relief. I also had to find a way to stop stress fast and not let it build up, if I was going to find a way to live a better life. My quality of life and my health depended on my making real and lasting changes, so my aim was to create a lifestyle that would allow me to maintain a high level of energy, feel peaceful in myself and look as healthy and vital as I could. I needed a daily approach that ensured my stress levels remained low and I could enjoy my life, instead of just struggling to get through it. While I had started to make many changes, one of the most important issues I needed to conquer was my diet, and address the way I either chose to nurture or ‘torture’ my body as a means of managing daily stress! I had worked as a chef years before while I waited for my career in fashion to take off, so cooking good food was never an issue – it was what I chose to snack on, binge on and overindulge in that had become a problem. Real change is rarely without challenge and I would have loved someone to provide me with a formula or a roadmap on how to move forward, but I kept going until over time I discovered and adapted my own de-stress techniques to support my health and lower my stress levels. This formula consists of three elements: 1. DEEP BREATHING 2. STRESS-REDUCING VITAMIN FOODS 3. RELAXATION PRACTICE For me this has become a life-long practice that I continue to use daily to raise my energy, look after my body and manage the stress that comes with day-to-day living. It is the source of energy that allows me to do the things I want to do, to maintain calm in the face of stressful situations and to live peacefully with myself and others. For over twenty years I have shared my expertise with organisations and people across the global community; supporting them to de-stress and age less; and to look and feel their best. It has inspired me to share and write books on how to maintain younger looking skin naturally and to create the television program, FACE LIFTING FOOD and the FACE LIFTING FOOD APP; which shows people how to keep skin healthy and younger looking with vitamin rich power foods, while lowering their stress levels naturally. The TV show is now shown in more than 25 countries worldwide and also used in Universities throughout the USA and Canada as the go-to educative resource on how to sustain healthy, vital looking skin without invasive practises or chemicals. On reflection, what worked for me was a willingness to change a few small behaviours and repeat them regularly, until one day I literally woke up and realised that I wasn’t as stressed or as pained, and that into the bargain I looked healthier, younger and felt like I was operating day-to-day with more energy and mental clarity. I have come to believe that we can’t hide from stress, but regardless of the situation that is causing us to experience ongoing stress, there are ways that we can deal with it. I freed myself from years of suffering from chronic stress, so I know from lived experience that it is possible to learn to live more joyfully and fully. The exciting part is that we all have access to some of the most effective tools to deal with and reduce stress naturally, and in the process age less. Many of these techniques are designed to stop stress fast and can be practised where ever you are, so you reduce the immediate onset of stressful thoughts and feelings. Others require a daily approach to set you up for the long term benefits of living your best life free from chronic stress. To de-stress and age less we have to work with the mind and the body and the best way to do this is to practise daily de-stress techniques. Please keep in mind that this book is not a replacement for getting help in the form of counselling or seeing a psychologist or medical professional if you are experiencing high levels of stress, anxiety or depression. Nor is it a total life solution to managing stress. It is a compilation of techniques that helped me to reduce my own stress levels, feel calmer on a daily basis and look healthier. So if at any time you feel as though you need support or just want to talk to someone, make sure you reach out and get the help you need. There are services in most countries that operate 24/7 with amazing, compassionate people at the end of the phone ready to listen. (Please note: if you are being treated for any symptoms of extreme stress please consult with your physician before undertaking the GL De-Stress & Age Less method.) I wish you only the best on your journey to live peacefully and with joy in the midst of life’s challenges! With that in mind the best advice I can offer is to breathe deeply, eat well and live happily! Gregory Landsman
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The complete solution to PREMATURE AGING. The simple, effective, science-based methods in these three books give everyone the opportunity to achieve younger, healthier looking skin at any age…for next to nothing!
“With knowledge and know how we can counteract and prevent premature aging, as small changes make a big difference to the way we age over time.”
Gregory Landsman
Meet the Author:
Gregory Landsman is one of the most noted global beauty and wellness experts in the world, a best selling author of nine books, and a TV host who specializes in using food to take years off the face naturally. Having worked in the beauty industry for 30+ years Gregory believes that how we age is 100% controllable. His natural methods are used globally by models, shown in universities and recommended by doctors. The key to his success can be found in his authentic approach to delivering science-based and accessible solutions to reduce stress (de-stress) and look younger (age less) at any age. His latest book, Stop Stress Fast, reveals how to use the power of stress reducing foods and your own breath to lower stress quickly and naturally, while removing the aging impacts of stress from the face. Often referred to as ‘The Beauty Advisor’, Gregory’s books and global TV program Face Lifting Food show viewers how to create quick skin-boosting meals and powerful skin treatments using everyday foods to achieve younger, healthier looking skin at any age. Gregory is a strong voice for inclusion. His book, Faith Lifting Prayers is a celebration of humanity and captures his journey of extremes; from Apartheid South Africa to working at the height of the fashion industry, and his fundamental discovery that regardless of what we do, how we look cannot be separated from how we feel. This is why all of his books, even those about looking younger, all feature his own quotes and philosophy about the importance of feeling good in our skin. His book A Lifetime of BEAUTY also shares messages for early teens and middle years about embracing our differences and our individuality; finding happiness; and standing strong in a world that often judges us for the way we look. This book is endorsed for inclusion in the education system. connect with the author: website ~ podcast ~ goodreads
Tour Schedule:
Feb 1 – Splashes of Joy – book spotlight / author interview / giveaway Feb 2 –Rockin' Book Reviews – book spotlight / book excerpt / giveaway Feb 3 – Cover Lover Book Review – book spotlight / author interview / giveaway Feb 4 – Lisa's Reading – book spotlight / author interview / giveaway Feb 8 –Books, Tea, Healthy Me – book spotlight / book excerpt / giveaway Feb 9 – A Mama's Corner of the World – book spotlight / giveaway Feb 9 - Library of Clean Reads – book spotlight / giveaway Feb 10 – Paranormal and Romantic Suspense Reviews – book spotlight / book excerpt / giveaway Feb 16 – Literary Flits – book spotlight / giveaway Feb 17 – Jazzy Book Reviews – book spotlight / giveaway Feb 18 - Laura's Interests - book spotlight / giveaway Feb 19 – Stephanie Jane – book spotlight / giveaway
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SPOTLIGHT TOUR: FACE FOOD: Eat Your Way to Tighter Brighter Younger Looking Skin by Gregory Landsman12/17/2020
Join us for this tour from Jan 25 to Feb 12, 2021!
Book Details: Book Title: FACE FOOD: Eat Your Way to Tighter Brighter Younger Looking Skin by Gregory Landsman Category: Adult Non-Fiction (18 yrs +), 67 pages Genre: Beauty & Grooming; Health & Wellness; Self Help Publisher: Hill of Content Publishing Release date: December 2018 Tour dates: Jan 25 to Feb 12, 2021 Content Rating: G.
Book Description:
GIVE YOURSELF A NUTRITIONAL FACE LIFT – EAT YOUR WAY TO TIGHTER, BRIGHTER, YOUNGER LOOKING SKIN! THE MOST POWERFUL ANTI-AGING INGREDIENTS CAN BE FOUND IN THE FOODS WE EAT. FACE FOOD IS FULL OF EASY TO MAKE RECIPES WITH FOOD SECRETS THAT ACHIEVE TIGHTER, BRIGHTER, YOUNGER LOOKING SKIN. FACE FOOD can do for your skin what no expensive beauty cream can – it will show you how to give yourself a nutritional face lift. Find out how kidney beans plump and smooth the skin, a handful of almonds can give skin a healthy glow and how the little sardine reduces wrinkles and prevents age spots. FACE FOOD features easy to make recipes, revealing the most important natural foods, full of powerful age defying vitamins and minerals that are essential to nurturing and protecting your skin’s collagen - the key to keeping the skin firm and elastic. Optimise the health of your skin with recipes to: • Counteract the aging process • Stimulate and protect collagen • Tighten skin and improve elasticity • Reduce fine lines and wrinkles • Protect skin with natural antioxidants • Increase the thickness and suppleness of skin • Restore skin radiance Attaining youthful looking skin has never been more simple or effective!
Book Excerpt - Face Food
Book Excerpt - FACE FOOD FACE FOOD highlights that simple, tasty foods have the ability to flush your face with vitality, improve and change the quality and texture of your skin, reduce wrinkles and fine lines, increase firmness and combat premature aging. While genetic factors play a major role in the way we age, so does the food that we eat. In fact our diet is one of the great anti-aging secrets to retaining or regaining beautiful skin. It’s all based on the basic principal that building and protecting collagen through the foods we eat is the foundation to healthy, youthful looking skin; as when we increase collagen, wrinkles begin to fade and skin regains its elasticity. Dealing with faces every day as I have for many years, it is easy to see when skin has been deprived of nutrients. So whenever I recommend a skin solution I keep in mind that one of the most effective ways to protect and preserve our skin at any age involves eating the right skin renewing foods. Many of the natural foods we eat hold age-defying vitamins and minerals that are essential to give the skin radiance, while supporting, hydrating and maintaining the health of the skin. They are also the key to building collagen. You may ask why building collagen is so important. Simply because collagen is the protein in connective tissue that keeps the skin elastic. However, the fibres in these tissues can become weak and damaged through free radicals, which impact our skin both inside and out as a result of different lifestyle elements such as bad food, sun damage, smoking, pollution, excess alcohol, and the list goes on! However, collagen cannot be absorbed from a beauty cream as the molecules are too large to penetrate the skin’s cells. This means the most effective solution is either topically applying the right ingredients (see Face Value), or eating foods full of skin regenerating vitamins and minerals that naturally renew, stimulate and protect collagen. The quick and easy recipes in this book are power packed with skin building ingredients to help your skin be the best it can be. For me cooking is not only a wonderful reminder that sharing food with those we love nurtures their health and skin from the inside out, but that the true essence of our beauty is in sharing the spirit of our humanity in all that we do. My personal philosophy on B.E.A.U.T.Y. is… Balance in our life unfolds from the inside out. Enthusiasm lies within the way we think and feel about ourselves. Acceptance is the path to making peace with ourselves and others. Understanding ourselves gives us clarity and wisdom to know what we want, and importantly, what we don’t. Trust attunes our heart and mind so we can nurture spontaneity and adventure in our lives, and see that… You have what it takes to create the life and love you know you deserve and to never settle for anything less. So while our skin is the largest organ in the body and we need to look after it, it is important to remain true to our beauty by never forgetting that laughter and humor play a major role in experiencing it and feeling it. "After all, the beauty we feel is the beauty we live." - Gregory Landsman
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Check Out The Entire The 10 Years Younger Series!
The complete solution to PREMATURE AGING. The simple, effective, science-based methods in these three books give everyone the opportunity to achieve younger, healthier looking skin at any age…for next to nothing!
“With knowledge and know how we can counteract and prevent premature aging, as small changes make a big difference to the way we age over time.”
Gregory Landsman
Meet the Author:
Gregory Landsman is one of the most noted global beauty and wellness experts in the world, a best selling author of nine books, and a TV host who specializes in using food to take years off the face naturally. Having worked in the beauty industry for 30+ years Gregory believes that looking youthful goes well beyond waging war on wrinkles, and that how we age is 100% controllable. His natural methods are used globally by models, shown in universities and recommended by doctors. Often referred to as ‘The Beauty Advisor’, Gregory’s books and global TV program Face Lifting Food show viewers how to create quick skin-boosting meals and powerful skin treatments using everyday foods to achieve younger, healthier looking skin at any age. Gregory is a strong voice for inclusion. His book, Faith Lifting Prayers is a celebration of humanity and captures his journey of extremes; from Apartheid South Africa to working at the height of the fashion industry, and his fundamental discovery that regardless of what we do, how we look cannot be separated from how we feel. This is why all of his books, even those about looking younger, all feature his own quotes and philosophy about the importance of feeling good in our skin. His book A Lifetime of BEAUTY also shares messages for early teens and middle years about embracing our differences and our individuality; finding happiness; and standing strong in a world that often judges us for the way we look. This book is endorsed for inclusion in the education system. connect with the author: website ~ podcast ~ goodreads
Tour Schedule:
Jan 25 –Rockin' Book Reviews – book spotlight / book excerpt / giveaway Jan 26 – Splashes of Joy – book spotlight / author interview / giveaway Jan 27 – Cover Lover Book Review – book spotlight / author interview / giveaway Jan 28 – Library of Clean Reads – book spotlight / giveaway Jan 29 – A Mama's Corner of the World – book spotlight / giveaway Feb 1 – Books, Tea, Healthy Me – book spotlight / book excerpt / giveaway Feb 3 – Stephanie Jane – book spotlight / giveaway Feb 4 – Lisa's Reading – book spotlight / giveaway Feb 8 – Locks, Hooks and Books – book spotlight / book excerpt / giveaway Feb 10 – Jazzy Book Reviews – book spotlight / giveaway Feb 11 – Literary Flits – book spotlight / giveaway Feb 12 – Paranormal and Romantic Suspense Reviews – book spotlight / book excerpt / giveaway
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Join us for this tour from Jan 18 to Feb 5, 2021!
Book Details: Book Title: Face Fitness - The 10 Minute Face Lift - How to take years off your face naturally! by Gregory Landsman Category: Adult Non-Fiction (18 yrs +), 67 pages Genre: Beauty & Grooming; Health & Wellness; Self Help Publisher: Hill of Content Publishing Release date: Nov 2018 Tour dates: Jan 18 to Feb 5, 2021 Content Rating: G.
Book Description:
FACE FITNESS: HOW TO TAKE YEARS OFF YOUR FACE NATURALLY! TAKE UP TO 10 YEARS OFF YOUR FACE IN JUST 10 MINUTES! With no invasive procedures, no anaesthetic, no face fillers, no unnatural substances and no expense, FACE FITNESS shows how to: • Give yourself a tighter, more youthful looking face • Enhance your cheek bones • Tighten skin around the eyes • Reduce and soften lines around the mouth • Plump out forehead worry lines • Tighten jowls, neck and jawline • Use food to optimise the health of your skin FACE FITNESS techniques will also improve collagen production naturally, increase skin moisture levels, reduce pore size and smooth out the texture of your skin. Based on ancient knowledge from Indian sages, these powerful techniques have been adapted by Gregory Landsman as an effective and genuine alternative to a surgical face lift that gets results without the huge price tag. It can help you retain and regain a vibrant face without nipping or tucking the skin or the facial muscles. This is not only a technique for wrinkles and sagging muscles, but a means of prevention as well.
Book Excerpt - Take 10 Years Off!
Book Excerpt - FACE FITNESS TAKE 10 YEARS OFF Face Fitness is a natural face lift that can take ten years off your face. All it takes is ten minutes a day to retain or regain a fresh, healthy and younger looking face. While travelling in India I crossed paths with an amazing seventy-eight year-old woman who taught me that our genes are not our destiny and that the way our faces age is literally in our hands. The day she took my hands and clasped them in her own, I knew she would teach me something that would stay with me forever. What this learned woman shared with me was an ancient Indian treatment that dates back several thousands of years. Having been passed down through her family, it told a story of ancient wisdom steeped in a true understanding of the human form and how to maintain a youthful appearance by keeping the facial muscles fit and skin firm. This is why I called this program Face Fitness! What I will show you is a powerful and genuine alternative to a surgical face lift that gets results without the $30,000 price tag. It will help you retain and regain a vibrant face without nipping, tucking, sucking and plucking the skin or the facial muscles. Face Fitness will show you how to: • Drain toxins that age the skin • Prevent and reduce wrinkles without anaesthetic • Sculpt and reshape the face without pain • Minimise lines around the mouth without collagen • Lift sagging skin without stitches • Reduce crow’s feet and the folds in the upper and lower eyelids without a surgeon • Minimise a double chin without cutting • Tighten jowls and loose skin on the neck without the expense • Plump up hollow cheeks without face fillers • Oxygenate the blood to give your skin a lasting healthy glow as well as • How to eat your way to great skin with the 5 Day Skin Firming Diet Face Fitness is about conditioning the face in a way that will naturally outlast any surgical face lift or artificial face fillers. This is not only a correction technique for wrinkles and sagging muscles, but a means of prevention as well. Since learning these techniques I have practised them daily and used them in my career for many years.There is no doubt that if practised consistently this program will not only improve tone, but the overall look of the face. In a time where so much emphasis is placed on the way we look, where we have all experienced the mental anxiety that sits on our faces, we need a way to keep our faces fresh and healthy, and our minds calm as we journey through the world. A key part of taking the pressure off comes from understanding that while we all want to look as good as we can for as long as we can, in truth we touch people in a very small way with our looks. Mostly we touch them through acts of kindness and the sharing of our humanity. My personal philosophy on B.E.A.U.T.Y. is… Balance in our life unfolds from the inside out. Enthusiasm lies within the way we think and feel about ourselves. Acceptance is the path to making peace with ourselves and others. Understanding ourselves gives us clarity and wisdom to know what we want, and importantly, what we don’t. Trust attunes our heart and mind so we can nurture spontaneity and adventure in our lives, and see that… You have what it takes to create the life and love you know you deserve and to never settle for anything less. As you read this book and start to incorporate the techniques into your daily life you will see clearly that our faces tell the story of our feelings. Looking good is about feeling good and maintaining healthy skin inside and out is a big part of that. Learning to understand the connection between how we look after our faces and how we think (stress) helps us discover our own path to an energised, vibrant and healthful face. For when we let go of the stressful thoughts and feelings, we give ourselves a natural face lift; as self belief will out-do, out perform and outlast plastic surgery, botox, and restylane face fillers every time. We cultivate beauty by remembering our humanness and our goodness, and celebrating the best in ourselves and others. - Gregory Landsman
Check Out The Entire 10 Years Younger Series!
The complete solution to PREMATURE AGING. The simple, effective, science-based methods in these three books give everyone the opportunity to achieve younger, healthier looking skin at any age…for next to nothing!
“With knowledge and know how we can counteract and prevent premature aging, as small changes make a big difference to the way we age over time.”
Gregory Landsman
Meet the Author:
Gregory Landsman is one of the most noted global beauty and wellness experts in the world, a best selling author of nine books, and a TV host who specializes in using food to take years off the face naturally. Having worked in the beauty industry for 30+ years Gregory believes that looking youthful goes well beyond waging war on wrinkles, and that how we age is 100% controllable. His natural methods are used globally by models, shown in universities and recommended by doctors. Often referred to as ‘The Beauty Advisor’, Gregory’s books and global TV program Face Lifting Food show viewers how to create quick skin-boosting meals and powerful skin treatments using everyday foods to achieve younger, healthier looking skin at any age. Gregory is a strong voice for inclusion. His book, Faith Lifting Prayers is a celebration of humanity and captures his journey of extremes; from Apartheid South Africa to working at the height of the fashion industry, and his fundamental discovery that regardless of what we do, how we look cannot be separated from how we feel. This is why all of his books, even those about looking younger, all feature his own quotes and philosophy about the importance of feeling good in our skin. His book A Lifetime of BEAUTY also shares messages for early teens and middle years about embracing our differences and our individuality; finding happiness; and standing strong in a world that often judges us for the way we look. This book is endorsed for inclusion in the education system. connect with the author: website ~ podcast ~ goodreads
Tour Schedule:
Jan 18 –Rockin' Book Reviews – book spotlight / book excerpt / giveaway Jan 18 - Book Corner News and Reviews – book spotlight / giveaway Jan 19 – Splashes of Joy – book spotlight / author interview / giveaway Jan 19 - Library of Clean Reads – book spotlight / giveaway Jan 20 – Cover Lover Book Review – book spotlight / author interview / giveaway Jan 25 – Books, Tea, Healthy Me – book spotlight / book excerpt / giveaway Jan 26 – Stephanie Jane – book spotlight / giveaway Feb 1 – Lisa's Reading – book spotlight / giveaway Feb 2 – Jazzy Book Reviews – book spotlight / author interview / giveaway Feb 4 – Literary Flits – book spotlight / giveaway Feb 5 – Locks, Hooks and Books – book spotlight / book excerpt / giveaway
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SPOTLIGHT TOUR: Face Value - DIY Secrets to Beauty and a Younger Face by Gregory Landsman12/17/2020
Join us for this tour from Jan 11 to Jan 29, 2021!
Book Details: Book Title: Face Value - DIY Secrets to Beauty and a Younger Face by Gregory Landsman Category: Adult Non-Fiction (18 yrs +), 67 pages Genre: Beauty & Grooming; Health & Wellness; Self Help Publisher: Hill of Content Publishing Release date: 2020 Tour dates: Jan 11 to Jan 29, 2021 Content Rating: G.
Book Description:
FIND SOME OF THE MOST POWERFUL ANTI-AGING PRODUCTS USED IN EXPENSIVE BEAUTY CREAMS IN YOUR OWN KITCHEN! Following the success of the best selling first edition, the new revised version of Gregory Landsman’s Face Value is jam packed with simple DIY secrets to beauty and younger looking skin that can achieve powerful results in a very short time. Featuring an entirely new chapter on rejuvenating night serums, Face Value will change the way you think and approach beauty as you discover that utilizing natural ingredients can provide real and lasting solutions to give you a natural glow and a younger looking face. Find recipes to… • Reduce fine lines and wrinkles • Stimulate collagen production • Improve skin firmness and elasticity • Protect skin from damaging free radicals • Rehydrate, tighten and tone the face • Restore the skin’s radiance and natural pH levels • Reduce age spots, pigmentation and blemishes With Face Value, you can achieve younger looking skin without having to leave your own kitchen!
Book Excerpt:
Book Excerpt - FACE VALUE The simple do-it-yourself treatments in Face Value target our greatest skin concerns such as reducing fine lines and wrinkles, improving firmness and elasticity and protecting skin from damaging free radicals.) Every formula contains high doses of the most powerful ingredients such as Alpha Hydroxy Acid, Retin A and potent antioxidants used in the most expensive creams on the market.) All are touted as anti-aging, stimulating skin cell regeneration and improving the texture of your skin. The good news is that most of it can be found in your own kitchen!) In more than 30 years of dealing with faces every day, I worked across the globe in the fashion and beauty industry. I could see that the daily stresses of life show up on our faces, and have a profound effect on the way skin visibly ages, even on supermodels.) With this in mind I put together Face Value; a complete skincare manual that offers real solutions and real choices that really work! Each of these treatments have been tried and tested by people from the four corners of the world and I have used them in my career for years with great success.) Whether it is a treatment full of firming and plumping hydrators or smoothing exfoliators, these formulas will feed your skin from the outside in, restoring radiance and stimulating collagen production. With Face Value you can create a personalised plan for the issues that concern you most; whether it is saying ‘bye bye’ to age spots, fine lines, blemishes, sun damaged skin or uneven pigmentation.) Without a doubt our faces say so much more about us than what we look like. They are a pure reflection of our health, vitality and spirit. Through my years of experience in the fashion industry. I have come to believe that B.E.A.U.T.Y. is based on the principles of … Balance, Enthusiasm, Acceptance, Understanding,Trust & You I believe that: Balance in our lives unfolds from the inside out. Enthusiasm lies within the way we think and feel about ourselves. Acceptance is the path to making peace with ourselves and others. Understanding ourselves gives us clarity and wisdom to know what we want, and importantly, what we don’t. Trust attunes our heart and mind so we can nurture spontaneity and adventure in our lives, and know that… You have what it takes to create the life and love you know you deserve and to never settle for anything less. I took every photograph in this book as an expression of my belief that as in nature, where every flower is different from the next, we are a living embodiment that beauty is individual. While Face Value is about learning to nurture your face and your body with great natural products that work, it is also about knowing that the beauty we find outside ourselves is a very small aspect of what lies within. I have been fortunate enough to cross paths with people who have helped me understand this; each in their own way showing me that the essence of our beauty lies not in our physical characteristics alone, but in the heart of our character. While I have seen supermodels in Paris dressed in Chanel and women in India dressed in rags, the one truth that reveals their beauty, regardless of who they are, is the truth of their smile. So whether you are indulging in a skin rejuvenating bath or giving yourself a three-minute facial – Enjoy! After all, B.E.A.U.T.Y. is about good living and great loving, it is about feeling more, healing more, living more and loving more. “You are whole and beautiful for no other reason than you are human.” - Gregory Landsman
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Check Out The Entire 10 Years Younger Series:
The complete solution to PREMATURE AGING. The simple, effective, science-based methods in these three books give everyone the opportunity to achieve younger, healthier looking skin at any age…for next to nothing!
“With knowledge and know how we can counteract and prevent premature aging, as small changes make a big difference to the way we age over time.”
Gregory Landsman
Meet the Author:
Gregory Landsman is one of the most noted global beauty and wellness experts in the world, a best selling author of nine books, and a TV host who specializes in using food to take years off the face naturally. Having worked in the beauty industry for 30+ years Gregory believes that looking youthful goes well beyond waging war on wrinkles, and that how we age is 100% controllable. His natural methods are used globally by models, shown in universities and recommended by doctors. Often referred to as ‘The Beauty Advisor’, Gregory’s books and global TV program Face Lifting Food show viewers how to create quick skin-boosting meals and powerful skin treatments using everyday foods to achieve younger, healthier looking skin at any age. Gregory is a strong voice for inclusion. His book, Faith Lifting Prayers is a celebration of humanity and captures his journey of extremes; from Apartheid South Africa to working at the height of the fashion industry, and his fundamental discovery that regardless of what we do, how we look cannot be separated from how we feel. This is why all of his books, even those about looking younger, all feature his own quotes and philosophy about the importance of feeling good in our skin. His book A Lifetime of BEAUTY also shares messages for early teens and middle years about embracing our differences and our individuality; finding happiness; and standing strong in a world that often judges us for the way we look. This book is endorsed for inclusion in the education system. connect with the author: website ~ podcast ~ goodreads
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